If you have checked my Myspace profile which you can find yourselves, sorry folks. I am not giving anymore information to corrupt mafia security organizations for the fucking government. They probably already have a file on not just me, but YOU as well that can detail to when we took our first shit in the "potty."
I'm not in favor of all this civil war shit people talk about, I just believe the government should leave people alone, but they are purposely trying to agitate unstable people.
It's not their fucking job to make sure your kid got to the damn school bus by 7 sharp, much less their business what your DNA and BIOMETRIC SIGNATURE is in the name of fighting "terrorists" that were made up during the Bush administration.

Oh no! I must be confusing everyone! What is this? I am anti-Republican and anti-Democrat? I must be unbalanced and unfit to live in this advanced Darwin worshiping society. Or perhaps I'm escaping from the Reptilian aliens.

I have nothing else to say except GO:

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