Bill Seeks To Withhold Highway Funds To States Who Don't Comply With Real ID
21 states refuse to accept Dictator Bushwacked Real ID Act, as seen, run by this Pentagram SATANIC national capital. Am I on the secret service watch now? If so, I don't care. I didn't do anything, except take a dump on their kittens.
Now Obama is pushing for it as he continues to lick the hairy ass of Bush's laws. Well Obama, sorry, you can DICTATE all you want, but the states have the tenth amendment and will NEVER agree in congress to repeal the tenth amendment. Obamanation is a Clinton-wannabe nation. A nation of high taxes, and high flying kites.

Infowars - The More they do the Worse it Gets

Yes, Congress is basically a bunch of old, fat, white guys or pissed off feminists who still refuse to shave their armpits in the name of women's rights. I'd say they represent about .00000001% of the US population.
Given that most of congress will just kiss Obama's ass repeatedly, I think it's time we showed them who's the boss.

Yes, Tony Danza is in fact, the BOSS. He leads the Italian-run congress currently at odds with the infanticide-loving Obama administration; although he is still a man-nanny. Now we have the biggest SPECIAL INTEREST EVER as the Secretary of the Treasury, Geithner who basically owns the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as he's the CEO!
Can we say...

Yes, Geithner is helping everyone in Obama's cabinet get a little richer while the sheeple of America become this.

The Guardian - Britain faces summer of rage - police

Well, the British have finally woken up to the destruction of their country by foreign bankers. I wonder how long before this happens in the US, except everyone in the US has large amounts of guns. Sounds like a civil war, kickass, except who are we freeing now...?
Freedom from fascism and Malaria-infested fast food! Hopefully instead of looting, Americans will rise up instead and attack McDonald's poisonous food. So they have those pretty little FEMA camps up to round up who again?
Ah yes, but isn't it FEMA's job to respond to emergencies, not round up people like cattle like Hitler? Who knows, but we do have the first African-American President to save us! Oh wait, he's only 10% African. So he's a white guy with really dark sking. AWESOME! The only historic part of the inauguration was that Obama retook the Oath of Office incorrectly...
Prison Planet - Urban Warfare Drills Linked To Coming Economic Rage
Yes, this is true. There's already economic rage, and you can see it at BP and Shell. Some people are already filling up empty jugs to blow up cars at another location like Wal-Mart. Everyone knows the economic solution of no money is to loot Wal-Mart. Remember Hurrican Katrina! Even the cops were looting!
Now economic rage is a new term. I majored in Economics in college, and left college realizing what a fucking joke the banking industry truly is. The banks not only hate that particular major, but would rather hire someone without a high school diploma who will make sure to give out loans to bankrupt companies. Yes, an economic RAGE is happening.
Here is a picture of economic rage before I trot back to Candyland (the place where COMMUNIST Obama voters reside in their minds).

Geithner likes penises. Bush likes weiners. Condoleeza is a black dyke? And Obama is not my President since he isn't even a USA citizen. So go fuck yourself with that customized Lincoln dildo, the pink one with sparkles.