Bloomberg - Iran Is Helping Taliban in Afghanistan, Petraeus Says
So everything I have to say here has absolutely nothing to do with the aforementioned article. Well maybe a little bit. A war-hungry imperialistic country like our own is merely shuffling a "deck of war cards."
One day it's Iraq, then it's Afghanistan, then it's North Korea, then it's Russia, then it's back over to Iran, then it's Pakistan, and then we jump over to China. So basically what we are getting here is that a new world order will never happen.
WE FIGHT TOO DAMN MUCH TO HAVE ANY WORLD PEACE! Sure, the Rothschilds (when not inbreeding) can buy up banks and suck us dry. But can they wipe their own asses? Well what if we gave them $100 bills as toilet paper? I think not...

Natural News - FDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug
Good news to all you meth addicts. It's official! Vitamin B6 is a new drug that will kick you in the ass! If you smoke crack, you can now pop open a B6 capsule, and attain a new awesome stimulating high that rivals the beauty of Cher's voice!? Don't you know it's much better to trust a doctor/pill dealer when it comes to putting natural materials into your body?
I guess Pfizer, the maker of Zoloft/Suicide Pill, is bitch-slapping the FDA around because, oh yeah, the government has no fucking real money! Hmm, I wonder if this stimulus package they've been talking about will stimulate secretary Treasury Geithner's little bank called the "Federal Reserve Bank of New York." Maybe he wants to loot Americans! Yes, yes he does.
Change is good for America. Especially when a vitamin is given the same value as heroin.
New York Times - Do We Need a New Internet?

Everyone knows that Al Gore invented the internet (it's on the net, go find the source lazy ass), in the same manner he created a global warming book scam. Now it is necessary with all the evil that emanates from the 666 internet, that we must let the government control everything.
Yes... as we bow to Obama, the heavenly messiah of our time; we should reflect on how he can harness his supernatural abilities to take what Al Gore started, and turn it into a gumdrop forest of world love! But seriously, you can't "make the internet" because it doesn't "exist" per se, except in that it's a bunch of connected computers. It has no physical location.
The paradox astounds me, which is why I leave this topic for Obama to find through his meditation, as he is the last Jedi.

Associated Press - Debris falling in Texas, possibly from satellites
Are you fucking serious? We have debris falling from the satellites... Are we sure these are satellites and not flying cameras from Chinese intelligence? China already requires every citizen to carry a camera in their ass as there is a gigantic colonoscopy need/communist need for dehumanizing people.
I wonder how funny it would be for some rich schmuck to be flying his plane and a piece of Chinese ass cameras fall into the propellers. Does this mean China has such a population problem so bad that they are dropping their own people out of the sky with cameras? Maybe it was just Al-Queda again.
No... it's the CIA, and they are in search for gaping assholes.

Infowars - Democrat Proposes Law Requiring Firearm Owners Have $1,000,000 Insurance Policies
Looks like the douchebags in politics still think they are going to stop 150 million armed citizens with ridiculous as shit laws. Hell, we may have to have "shitting insurance" soon in order to use our triple-taxed toilet paper.
I'm sure we'll be paying the United Nations and European Union taxes to breathe "THEIR" oxygen too. Hell some idiots already pay for oxygen at the mall. Wow, let's pay for air, and while you're at it; tax my blood flow as well. Even better is a tax on cellular development.

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