New York Times - Students Protest at N.Y.U.
Ah yes, a new hippie protest as "terrorist" students barricade themselves in a cafeteria(a protestor is a terrorist according to Obama). While Obama is busy ignoring the eugenics depopulation in the Middle East, students demand some rights! Obaaaaaaaaaaaama and his clones, drones, and wire-tapped cell-phones are all coming after us.
The problem is, and this really probably has no relevance to what I just read or just wrote... Obama is a gigantic fraud, perhaps a robotic android created by the CIA.... Or maybe he is a greedy 10% African (sorry to insult your non-existant heritage) with dark skin who parades around with his gorilla wife like Paris Hilton on a sex tape.
You know, I'm pale as shit, and I'm 1/8 Cherokee. Does that make me the first Native American smartass on Blogger??

USA Today - Security infiltrates college classrooms
Notice how USA Today glows with pride at the pronouncement of grand security programs now being offered as real degrees. What these colleges need to do is teach some FUCKING HISTORY as they are all being indoctrinated to join up with Obama's wannabe draft, fer shizzle?
I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but most of America is too fucking stupid to stop watching a "reality" show on their brainwash machine/TV to notice they are being prepped with communist tactics.
China didn't become powerful through teaching real skills, but by teaching force, security, and some people need to just plain die. The apathy and new global spy system is incredibly laughable. How the rich ass gods that run the world think that they can possibly kill us off is laughable.
Well shit, since we have real doctors trying to save people, let's start pushing expensive high-tech security jobs as the wave of the future. You may even be allowed to own one of those ancient, illegal devices known as guns.

Yeah what are you gonna do now Rockefeller, you bitter, old robot possessed by God only knows how many demons... Kiss my ass Lord Rothschilds.
Los Angeles Times - Border drug war is too close for comfort
Well, while we are fighting men in caves with Russian and U.S. military weapons in the middle east, we have scores of people dying in the "drug war." You see, this is a real WAR, where people are dying fast and brutally. There is no rules of engagement and the Mexican drug cartels are easily bringing in scores of cocaine because of a non-existant fence to keep them out.
If you want some combat action then join the Marines and be sent straight to the Texas/Mexican border! Shoot to kill and kill to laugh, the motto of a brainwashed marine.
I'm not anti-soldier, hell I'd love to be in the Army, but back injuries eliminate that possibility. And since my commander-in-chief is a mafia puppet master, why the hell would I want to take his orders?
Wow look at that! What a fence! Maybe we should have the Chinese come over and build us a great wall. Where is City Wok when you need them?
East Valley Tribune - Maybe there’s still hope… Students question Obama
Aww shit. You made us too smart with publik skullz! We can see right through your lies buddy boy. You make Bush look more desirable each day. You are Bill Clinton's bastard child, and Hillary probably sleeps in your bed as well. You are trying to create a master elite race correct?
I see a new hippie-like revolution, except with INTELLIGENCE happening this time around. We have one man in congress on our side, Ron Paul. Obama, congratulations, you are a community organizer, and now you are... a douchebag. You paid off voters and used racism to get black voters to make sure they didn't vote for Ron Paul!
You and John McCain probably share cocktails when not sharing... roosters... We will never stop asking questions because we are packing heat and declaring sovereignty from your foreign-owned presidency of total lies and bullshit.
Where the hell is my bailout? That's my question. WHAT ABOUT ME?!?!?!?!?

Look, how sweet! Pick a side... oh yeah, which side has the most money, Israel, not Iran! Hmm...
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