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How Sheep Live in Caves 2/24/09
El Paso Times - Homeland Security Official Affirms Mexican Drug Cartel Violence has Spilled Over in Texas
If that isn't the longest headline you've ever seen, other than "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is Officially Entered into the Dictionaries of the World Because It Sounds like a Middle Eastern Country." Yeah, whavetever.
So the Mexican Drug War has finally hit here... Thanks Mr. Bush.

While Bush was playing his little New World Order part, he mad sure to line his pockets, and then cover his ass with a fake ass war to boost his oil companies. And of course, the DEA has been running its fake drug war for decades. Now we have Mexicans jumping the fence with cocaine bags in each nostril with M-16s the CIA gave them.

Here we see a Mexican women with light tan spray and hair dye showing how it's done down in Tijuana. Now that the cops of Mexico are all owned by coke dealers from Texas to South America, these people can invade at any time.
Those fucking FEMA coffins better be for Mexico cartels because good fucking luck getting Americans to line up for execution. These guys are a bigger threat than CIA-Queda operating a fake war in Iraq, Iran, pick an "AN."

If you believed that fake news story then do us a favor and join the cocaine drug cartels in the FEMA camps as you are a total fucking moron. I'd be surprised if you could find Iraq on a map, much less a globe.
Infowars - Lawmaker Warns of "Forced Servitude" Under Obama
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